A updated list of most commonly asked questions by STUDIO users.
For users before registration.
What are the security measures for the sites created by STUDIO?
How can I give the project to the client?
What happens when I archive a project? Can I delete it?
How can I change the template I have chosen?
How to Change the Cover Image Displayed in the Project List
What happens to published CMS items when downgrading to a plan with a lower publication limit?
Can I downgrade plan while having the Visitor addon enabled?
What happens when you duplicate a legacy plan project after the new plans are introduced?
How can I autoplay the carousel/slider?
Can I upload a font, or use a font I have?
The warning modal appears as "Design Editor storage getting full."
What is the maximum number of fonts I can use in one project?
The key to creating a vertical Modal
How to change the image in the mobile view
How do I change my "Home Page" (page type)?
The animation set using "Appear" is not displayed.
The images disappear on my tablet or mobile. What should I do?
Mobile design is reflected in the PC design as well.
Is it possible to change the image only when on mobile?
How to align the box horizontally
Is there a code output function?
How to place a Twitter share button
How to create a "Share" button
I don't know how to change elements in a template.
How to activate the phone or email app
How to set up a background video
How can I manage space around a movie when I place a movie as a background?
How to create a slanted background
Why a box height should be auto?
Can I create a breadcrumb list?
Can I set up the download button?
Can I change text colors partially?
I can't copy & paste
How to set up a link to make a phone call
How to create a Hamburger menu
Horizontal scroll does not show scroll bar
Can I apply a parallaxing effect?
How many directory hierarchies can I make
Can I select and copy multiple boxes at once?
Can I place a box at the bottom or right edge of the screen?
When I upload a long vertical image, it makes image coarse. What should I do?
How to freely change the placement of the image in the box
Can I put/pin an image on the background?
How to swap the image by hover
Can't put text on the image.
Fixed image ratio
About the Font Awesome Icon Version Update
How to embed Twitter feed into Studio
The RSS display is not updated in the Editor or Live Preview.
Creating Tab Navigation
Can I Create a Multilingual Site with Studio?
How to Ensure Fonts Set in the Editor Display Correctly on PCs and Smartphones
Three ways how to update a website already published
I can't verify the connection after setting the A record
I changed the OGP image, but it is not reflected on the SNS.
I want to do an AB test. Is it possible?
Can I publish the site on my company's server.
How to Enable Suggestion to Use Edge For Users Browsing with Internet Explorer
How to Resolve The Site Inaccessible after Configuring a Custom Domain
Tips to Improve Loading Speed of Your Studio Site
What are the domains that should be added to the white list?
How many accesses can it withstand?
I want to set up a Favicon, but when I press "Save", it doesn't save it.
Is it possible to set up the site to jump to both URLs with and without the "www"?
How to Change Your Custom Domain from example.com to www.example.com
Since I published it, it hasn't been showing up in the Google search engines, am I missing something in the editing process?
Can I Restrict IP Addresses in Studio?
Can I use SSL/TLS for custom domain?
How to set a link for each item in a list / CMS list (ul)
A CMS Article Does not Display Properly at Clicking the Link of the Article
How to upload a video to a CMS article
When I try to change one image/text, it changes everything.
How can I set different Open Graph tags like a title and image for each CMS article?
Line breaks that I have in the CMS dashboard disappear in the editor. How can I fix this?
What happens to CMS models and published items when downgrading to a plan with a lower model limit?
I can't tap "Upgrade Now". What should I do?
Payment for the Project Failed. When Will the Payment Be Retried?
Can I Change My Project's Plan (Upgrade or Downgrade) When Exceeding the Monthly Visitor Limit?
What Should I Do If There Is a Sudden Increase in PVs Due to Unauthorized Access?
What Happens to Writer Permission Members After Downgrading a Project Plan?
Q&A: New Pricing Plans Coming Dec 1, 2024
What Happens to Billing When Adding or Removing Members During a Paid Workspace Plan?
Can I Switch My Workspace Plan from Annual to Monthly Payments?
Can I Switch My Workspace Plan from Monthly to Annual Payments?
What Happens If I Accidentally Upgrade (Pay) for the Workspace Plan?
Difference Between Workspace Guests and Project Members
What Happens If Workspace Payments Fail?
Can I Specify the Billing Owner When Upgrading a Project Managed by a Workspace?
Can I Switch an Owner or Member to a Guest When Upgrading My Workspace?
Can I Switch from the 1,000,000 Visitor Add-On to the 400,000 Visitor Add-On?
Can I Cancel the Visitor Add-on When Monthly Visitors Exceed the Limit?
What Happens When You Cancel the Visitor Add-on (Subscription Termination)?
Can I Add Both the 400,000 Visitor Add-On and the 1,000,000 Visitor Add-On Simultaneously?
What Happens if the Payment for Visitor Add-ons Fails?