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DNS record setting

Update records with your domain registrar to publish to your domain. Here, we explain the process using Squarespace Domains as an example.

Kelvin H. avatar
Written by Kelvin H.
Updated over 5 months ago

Steps and Tips to configure DNS records

To connect a custom domain purchased through an external service to your Studio site, you need to configure DNS records. Here, we'll guide you through the process using Squarespace Domains as an example.

Please note that it may take several hours for the record settings to take effect. If you wish to publish your site at a specific date and time, we recommend completing the record settings by the day before.

Note: Even if you are using another domain service, you will need to perform DNS record settings similar to those described below. For details, please contact your domain service provider.

Key Points to Note

When setting up, make sure to configure the A record for Studio ( in your DNS record settings.

💡 What is an A record

A record, short for Address Record, is the IP address of the host where your files are located. In your case, the host will be Studio. The domain registrar must know your files are hosted with us, in order to point visitors to the right connection.

Also, check the details of the following records and adjust as needed:

AAAA Record

Studio does not support AAAA records (IPv6 addresses), so no setup is required. If configured, certificate issuance will fail.

CNAME Record

Studio does not support CNAME (Canonical Name) records, so no setup is required. Setting them for redirecting subdomains such as "www" will not work. Consider using DNS settings for redirection. For more details on this, please contact your service provider.

CAA Record

Setting a CAA record is generally not necessary. However, when connecting a subdomain, additional settings are required if CAA records are specified for the root domain. Please specify the following CAA records in the subdomain's DNS record settings:

For Cloudflare Users

If you're using Cloudflare's DNS Proxy mode, certificate issuance or renewal may not work correctly. We recommend disabling this feature.

Example of Setting Up DNS Records

Here's an example using a domain acquired through Squarespace Domains for setting up a custom domain.

  1. Open the Domains panel and select the domain you want to connect.


3. Click "EDIT DNS."

4. Click "ADD RECORDS" under Custom Records, enter the following, and click "SAVE":






5. If there are any settings in Squarespace Defaults, delete them.

6. Return to Studio and click "Next" to check the connection status.

If an error occurs, please check the error types on the following page:

7. TLS certificate issuance for the domain will start.

This step will generally proceed automatically. It may take some time, so feel free to close the publish panel while waiting.

Note: Depending on the status of DNS record propagation, it may take up to 72 hours for the certificate to be issued. To support faster site publication, Studio offers manual certificate issuance support if it takes more than 4 hours to issue the certificate. If you need assistance, please contact chat support.

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