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Overview and Setup Instructions for PV Add-Ons
Overview and Setup Instructions for PV Add-Ons

Learn about usage fees and setup procedures for the add-on that allows you to expand the PV limit for each plan.

Saika avatar
Written by Saika
Updated over a week ago

Applicable Plans: Business Plan

What is a PV Add-On?

When you add a PV Add-on to your Business Plan project, you can expand the limit on the number of page views (PVs) for your project. This ensures up to 1,000 simultaneous connections (per second). This add-on is particularly useful for handling temporary increases in page views during campaigns or similar events.

Types and Pricing of PV Add-Ons

We offer two types of add-ons. You can add them individually or in combination, depending on your needs.

For example, by adding both the 400,000 PV and 1,000,000 PV add-ons, you can extend the PV limit of the Business Plan from 1,000,000 PVs by an additional 1,400,000 PVs, reaching a maximum of 2,400,000 PVs.

  • 400,000 PV Add-On: $79 per month

  • 1,000,000 PV Add-On: $179 per month

For details about the initial payment date and payment cycle, please refer to Overview and Payments for Add-Ons.

Setup Instructions

Adding a PV Add-On

1. Open [Plan & Payments] on the Dashboard

Open [Plan & Payments] for the project to which you want to add a PV add-on.

Screenshot: Opening the Plans & Payment section.

2. Add the PV Add-On to the Project

Select either the 400,000 PV Add-On or the 1,000,000 PV Add-On and click [Add].

Screenshot: Selecting the PV Add-on.

3. Confirm the New Limit

Check that the PV limit has been increased from the lower-left corner of the dashboard.

Screenshot: Checking the monthly PV limit.

Stopping a PV Add-On

Even after stopping, the expanded PV limit will remain until the contract renewal date. For example, if the contract automatically renews on the 1st of every month, and you stop the add-on on September 20, 2024, the expanded limit will apply until September 30, 2024.

Note: If the PV limit is exceeded, you cannot stop the add-on. Perform the stop operation when the PV count is within the limit for the following month.

1. Open [Plan & Payments] on the Dashboard

Open [Plan & Payments] for the project to which you want to stop the PV add-on.

2. Stop the PV Add-On

Click [Stop] on the active 400,000 PV Add-On or 1,000,000 PV Add-On, review the confirmation screen, and click [Stop].

Screenshot: Stopping the PV Add-on.

Resuming a PV Add-On

You can resume the add-on usage until the contract renewal date even after stopping. No payment is required when resuming.

Tips: You can resume the add-on from the stop date until the next contract renewal date. After that, you need to add the add-on again instead of resuming.

1. Open [Plan & Payments] on the Dashboard

Open [Plan & Payments] for the project to which you want to resume the PV add-on.

2. Resume the PV Add-On

Click [Resume] on the 400,000 PV Add-On or 1,000,000 PV Add-On.

Screenshot: Stopping the PV Add-on.

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