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Manage the publication status of CMS items and collections.

Saika avatar
Written by Saika
Updated over 2 months ago

Each item and collection introduced in the How CMS data works have its own "status," indicating its publication status on the public site. They also hold the publification date, which you can change later or a date in the future.

What is Status?

Status of CMS item and collection shows the publification status on the published site.

There are four types of status, and you can change the status in the item list, item detail edit screen, and collection edit screen.

Once your website went live, CMS status changes will be applied immediately to the published site. You don't need to update your entire site each time you make changes to the items or collections.


When an item or collection is in the draft status, it will only be displayed on the live preview and not on the published site.

You can change the status of draft items to publish or schedule status.


Published items and collections are displayed on both published sites and live previews.

You can change the status of a Published item to Change to draft. By clicking the Change to draft, you can change its status to draft.


Once you edit the published item/collection, their status will be Changed automatically.

You can change from the Changed status to Update or Change to draft.

*You cannot change to Scheduled.

By clicking the Change to draft, you can change its status to draft.

The item and collection information displayed on the public site will show the data as of the last time it was published or updated.

Any changes made to the item/collection with Changed status won't be displayed on the public site until you change their status to Update.

You can use this status to edit the published article with multiple team members while keeping the published article displayed on the public site. Once it is good to update, you can change the status to Update.

Scheduled ( CMS item only)

When you schedule an item to publish, the status will be Scheduled.

Scheduled items are the same as draft items until the scheduled date. They will only be displayed on the live preview and not on the public site. Scheduled items will be published at the scheduled date and time automatically and the status will be changed to Published.

You can change the status of Scheduled items to Change to draft status.

For an item scheduled to be published, you will not be able to edit it directly. You will first need to cancel the scheduled publish, then change the status to Draft to edit the item.

The following modal appears when you try to edit a scheduled item.

If you click on

  • Discard: The change you made will not be saved, and the item will keep its original scheduled status

  • Continue: Cancel the scheduled publish to continue editing. Note, the status of the CMS item will be changed to Draft.

How to Change Status

You can change the status of an item from the item list and the item's edit screen. For collection, you can change it in the collection edit screen.

The shown button labels will vary depending on their status: Publish, Change to draft, Update, and Schedule*.

*Note, collections may not be scheduled at the moment.

Individual change

Item list:

Item's edit screen:


Bulk change

When you hover over the items in the item list, the boxes will appear next to the item's titles. You can check those boxes to select items and select status from Change status in the upper right corner to change their status to Change to draft or Publish at once.

*Note, collections may not be bulk changed at the moment.

A pop-up appears when you click on Publish asking " Is it okay to publish all items? ". Click OK to publish all items.


  • Only Change to draft and Publish options are available for the bulk change regardless of selected items' status.

  • When you select Scheduled item, Draft item, and Changed item to publish altogether, only Draft item and Changed item will be published, and Scheduled item will maintain its status.

  • If you change Scheduled item, Draft item, and Changed item to draft, all of them will be in draft status.

What is the Published date?

You can manage the published date of items and collections.

Once you publish items and collections, the published date is set to the Current time by default.

You can change the published date before or after the publification in the schedule tab.

The schedule tab is used to schedule an item to be published or to change the order of the published items in the CMS list.

For article model items, they will appear on the dashboard and in the CMS list in the order of the published date and time.

You can set the published date from the CMS item list as well.

On the Published cell, the setting modal appears by double click or focusing on keyboard operation, and pressing Enter (Return) key. Set a future date and time in the Schedule tab of the appeared modal.

Scheduling a CMS item

You can schedule CMS items to publish by setting publish date of draft items to a future date and time.

The first step is to change the published date from Current time to Schedule.

Click on Published to open the date modal, then select the Schedule tab.

Pick a future date in the calendar, or type the date and time in the grey box underneath.

Once you have picked the date and time, click Apply.

Click on Draft and select Schedule, to schedule the item for publishing.

The publish date will be updated to the scheduled date, and the status will be set to Scheduled. Now, your item is scheduled!

You can schedule CMS items from the item list.

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