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CMS properties allow you to easily add and manage information needed for content like blog posts or news articles.

Saika avatar
Written by Saika
Updated over a week ago

What are CMS Properties?

CMS properties are related information that can be added to CMS items (content like articles or products). You can set properties for each model (group of items) and register individual values for each item.The following property types are available:

  • Text

  • Number

  • Select (single choice)

  • Multi-select (multiple choices)

  • Boolean (on/off)

  • Color

  • Image

  • Reference (refer to another model)

Screenshot: View of the "Add Property" screen.

How to Add CMS Properties

  1. Open the CMS dashboard.

  2. Select a model and item.

  3. On the item list screen, click [+] and choose the property type.

  4. Edit the property label and click add.

  5. Set property values for each item.

Adding a CMS property to an item in the CMS dashboard.

Tip: To display added properties on a page, you need to link the data to a box in the editor. For details, see Dynamic Pages > Linking CMS Data.

You can also add properties from the item details screen.

Screenshot: Adding a property from the item detail screen.

Editing Labels and Deleting Properties

  1. Access the CMS dashboard.

  2. Select a model and item.

  3. Click on the property label in the item list screen.

Here you can change the label or delete the property itself. Be careful when deleting a property, as it cannot be undone.

Changing the label of an added CMS property and deleting the property in the CMS dashboard.

You can perform similar operations on the item details screen.

Screenshot: Editing and deleting a property from the item detail screen.

Types of Properties

1. Text Property

Text properties allow you to register string values. You can choose between single-line and multi-line display formats. The line break setting can be adjusted later in the property settings screen.

Use Cases

  • Display article subtitles

  • Show product descriptions

  • Register external URLs

How to Set Up

  1. When adding a property, select either [No Line Breaks] or [With Line Breaks]

  2. Enter text and save
    For properties with line breaks enabled: Use Shift/Option + Return to add line breaks (Shift or Alt on Windows)

Screenshot: Adding a text property.

Note: When switching from "with line breaks" to "no line breaks", <br> tags will appear only in the CMS dashboard, while line breaks will remain intact in the editor, live preview, and published site. Please manually remove the <br> text if needed.

Example of using a text property as a URL:

Screenshot: Linking an image property to a box.

2. Image Property

A property for adding uploaded images. For supported image formats, please refer to File formats and sizes that can be uploaded to Studio.

Use Cases

  • Display featured images for articles

  • Show product photos

3. Boolean Property

A property for setting on/off (true/false) values.

Use Cases

  • Show/hide "New" badges (with display conditions)

  • Mark "Recommended" products (with display conditions)

  • Change specific content styles like colors or sizes (with conditional styling)

Screenshot: Using a Boolean property to apply styles.

4. Number Property

A property for adding numerical values.

Use Cases

  • Style number settings (padding, font size, etc.)

Screenshot: Using a number property to set styles.

5. Color Property

A property for setting colors (color codes). Registered color properties can be used for box fills and text box colors.Use Cases

  • Color coding by category

  • Setting tag background colors

Screenshot: Editing styles with a color property.

6. Select Property

A property for selecting a single item from registered options. Useful for categorizing items and displaying tags.


  • Enables filtering CMS lists by specifying a single item as a filter condition

  • Unlike reference properties, select properties don't have slugs (unique URLs), so you cannot create independent page paths with them

  • Cannot be used as Dynamic Filters

  • If you need dynamically filtered listing pages by categories or tags, consider using reference properties instead

Use Cases

  • Setting single labels like "Reservation Required" or "No Reservation Needed" for event posts

Screenshot: Setting a single label like "Reservation Required" or "No Reservation Needed" for participation methods in event announcement articles.

How to Set Up

  1. Choose "Select" when adding a property

  2. Register the options

  3. Select one item for each content item and save

The select property is particularly useful when you need simple categorization without the need for separate landing pages for each category.

Screenshot: Setting a single label like "Reservation Required" or "No Reservation Needed" for participation methods in event announcement articles.

7. Multi Select Property

A property for selecting multiple items from registered options. Useful for filtering CMS lists with multiple conditions simultaneously (up to 5 property items).


Use Cases

  • Displaying multiple department labels like "HR" and "Accounting" on job posts

  • Showing multiple skills like "Graphic Design" and "Web Design" on portfolio items

Screenshot: Displaying multiple labels such as "HR" and "Accounting" for job responsibilities on a recruitment page.

How to Set Up

  1. Select "Multi-select" when adding a property.

  2. Register the available options.

  3. Select the necessary options for each item.

  4. The display order on the website and within the dashboard can be edited via drag-and-drop.

    • The items at the top represent the display order on the website.

    • The items at the bottom represent the display order within the dashboard.


8. Reference Property

A property that can reference items from other models, available in single-select or multi-select options.


  • Properties can have associated information like slugs (unique URLs), allowing you to create independent page paths and display additional images or text for each property item.

  • You can filter CMS list items by specifying single or multiple criteria. For multi-select, you can set up to 5 properties as conditions (AND search) for filtering.

Use Cases

  • Including writer information (image, name, etc.) in articles

  • Displaying tags or categories (when creating individual listing pages for each tag/category)

Screenshot: Adding a reference property.

Differences Between Single-select and Multi-select


  • Allows referencing only one item.

  • Can be linked to text or image boxes.


  • Allows referencing multiple items.

  • Can only be linked to lists.

Screenshot: Linking a multi-select reference property to a box.

Note: It is not possible to change a reference property linked to a list from multi-select to single-select.
If changes between multi-select and single-select are required, the list must be recreated.

Editing and Removing Property Items

  1. Access the CMS dashboard.

  2. Select the model and item.

  3. Edit the added property items on the item list screen.

    • Standard Properties: Can be edited directly on the item list or detail screen.

    • Reference Properties: Edit the property itself in the referenced model.

  4. Click the [×] button to remove a set property item.

  5. Updating Items

    • When property items are edited or removed from published items, their status changes to "Update Available."

    • To reflect the changes on the live site, update the item's status.

Screenshot: Editing and removing property settings from the item detail screen.

You can perform the same operations on the item detail screen.

Screenshot: Editing properties from the item detail screen.
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